Saqqara: Living in a City of the Dead

Saqqara: Living in a City of the Dead - Leiden: The National Museum of Antiquities; The Dutch Research Council, 2020 - 40 p., 24 cm

The booklet was also published in Dutch as Saqqara: leven in een doderstand, and in Arabic as: سقارة: الحياة في مدينة الموتى

This booklet is published a part of the research project 'The Walking Dead at Saqqara: The Making of a Cultural Geography', which is kindly funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).


Egyptian antiquities--Saqqara--Egypt--Ancient Egypt
Saqqara--Excavations--19th - 21st centuries
Saqqara--Offerings--Book of the dead--c. 2543 - 30 B.C.E--Old kingdom--New kingdom--Greco-Roman--Tombs