Djedkare's Family Cemetery

Djedkare's Family Cemetery - Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, 2002 - 164 p., 30 cm - The Excavations of the Czechoslovak Institute of Egyptology at Abusir; VI .

Gift of the Czech Institute.

This volume contains the results of excavations at the Djedkare’s family cemetery at Abusir, arranged by individual tomb. Verner and Callender describe the structure and archaeology of the tomb including plans of the rooms, its owner, wall paintings and finds from the tomb. These chapters are succeeded by a discussion of the chronology of the tombs, a typology and details on the skeletal remains. Appendices look at the role of female members of the Djedkare family in the old Kingdom.


Excavation Report--Abusir
Ancient Egypt--Cemetery