Protodynastic Egypt

Protodynastic Egypt - Buckinghamshire: Shire Publications LTD, 1997 - 72 p., 21 cm - Shire Egyptology; 25 .

Fascination with ancient Egypt has often been cyclic in nature. Whilst the temples and tombs of the pharaohs are a perpetual lure, interest in the beginning of the country's civilisation has been revitalised by excavations since the 1970s, not only in the Predynastic cemeteries of traditional exploration in Upper Egypt, but also in their associated settlements and in hitherto unexplored parts of the Nile delta. This book is a synthesis of interpretations of the ceremonial treasures of Protodynastic/Early Dynastic transition and the information derived from new and old fieldwork.


History--State Formation--Early Dynastic--Ancient Egypt