Merimde-Benisalâme II: Die Funde der mittleren Merimdekultur

Josef Eiwanger

Merimde-Benisalâme II: Die Funde der mittleren Merimdekultur - Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1988 - 113 p., 61 plates; 36 cm - Archäologische Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Abteilung Kairo; 51 .

This is the second volume of Eiwanger's three volume final publication of German work at the Predynastic settlement site on the western margin of the Delta. The book presents the earliest artifactual evidence for fully sedentary village life in the Nile valley, starting around 5000 BC. Polished black pottery, pear-shaped stone maceheads, fish-bones and fish hooks were found in the context of mud-brick huts interspersed with pottery and basket grain stores.

Text in German.


Ancient Egypt--Excavation Report--Flint--Delta--Prehistory--Pottery