Current Research in Egyptology 2003: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium: University College London 2003 - Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2004 - 200 p., 24 cm - Current Research in Egyptology; 2003 .

A Previously Unpublished Contrast of Sale from Memphis Behind the Corn-mummies The Lisbon Mummy Project: The Employment of Non-destructive Methods in Mummy Studies Plying the Nile: Not all Plain Sailing The Spitting Goddess and the Stone Eye: Diviniity and Flint in Pharaonic Egypt From the Cradle to the Grave: Anthropoid Busts and Ancestor Cults at Deir el-Medina Iaau and the Question of the Origin of Evil according to Ancient Egyptian Sources Flower Arranging in Ancient Egypt? A New Approach to Archaeobotanical Remains A Kushite Temple in a Western Oasis? Bifacial Technology, Socioeconomic Competition, and Early Farming and Herding in the Fayum Royal Funerary Cults during the Old Kingdom Abusir South at the End old Kingdom The Festival Calendar at Deir el-Medina


Ancient Egypt--Architecture--Archaeobotany--Technology--Egypt--Old Kingdom